January 24, 2020

Future Events: The Virtual Assistant To Carry Out Your SIM Actions

Artur Rihvk

Product Manager

If one of your New Year resolutions was improved time management, then 1oT just launched a new Terminal app to make your resolution come true.

“Future Events,” the newest member of our App Store in 1oT Terminal, is an excellent way to plan future actions with eSIM & SIM cards in advance and thereby reducing the constant stress of keeping to-do lists.

Using “Future events” improves the efficiency of everyday operations for IoT companies. You don’t need to be behind your desk for sending SMS, changing data limits, or changing the status of SIMs cards anymore. From our experience and feedback from the field, the most popular use cases from our clients are:

  • Scheduling weekly/monthly firmware updates to the device via SMS.
  • Automatically increasing data limits when devices are deployed on the market.
  • Changing SIM statuses (LIVE, OFFLINE) after the testing phase in the factory has been finished, and devices haven’t yet been shipped to clients.

We all have to-do lists with endless tasks, but we still forget them from time-to-time. It’s pretty annoying when somebody abruptly interrupts your work and, as a result, makes you forget what it was that you wanted to do in the first place. With “Future Events,” you can schedule the action for a specific date instead of putting it down to your calendar. Imagine how much time you’d save if you could set these events to take place automatically. Let’s see how it works?

Firstly, activating the app from 1oT Terminal is as easy as pie - enable the app from 1oT App Store and enjoy the first three months for free. After that, every scheduled event that took place will cost 1€ per event.

Once the app has been activated, it shows up in your 1oT Terminal header, and you can schedule your first event. To plan an event for the future, you will need to define some parameters:

  • Would you like a reminder beforehand?
  • Are we changing status, sending SMS, changing the data limit, or changing the data package?
  • Which SIMs are affected?
  • When should the event take place?

Secondly, once you’ve scheduled your event, it’s presented in the 1oT Terminal. But sometimes circumstances change, and you might need to edit the parameters. Worry no more.

You can always change all of the conditions you’ve added. So if you want to postpone the event by two hours and apply the changes to a different group of SIMs instead, it’s as simple as 1-2-3. Similarly, should you need to create an event with almost the same parameters, you can easily replicate the event and adjust the details if required.

Thirdly, we all forget things sometimes, it’s inevitable. But with “Future Events,” you can set reminders for yourself, and we’ll notify you when your event is due to take place. We’ll send you an email before your determined event time that an event is about to take place. Perhaps something has changed since scheduling the event, and this way, you can make the necessary adjustments before it goes into effect. We support email, SMS, and 1oT Terminal notifications.

Finally, we’re thrilled if you’re already using the 1oT Terminal for SIM management and expanding your business.

But, if you haven’t decided yet, get in touch with our sales team at sales@1oT.com and learn all of the benefits of teaming up with 1oT for deploying your smart devices worldwide.

About 1oT

1oT’s eSIM connectivity service aims to eliminate vendor lock-in and put speed and flexibility at the heart of the IoT industry.

1oT offers 12 different telecoms profiles, so IoT companies can choose the most optimal connectivity service according to their use case, region, and technology requirements. Today, 3 million IoT devices, from bird trackers to e-scooters, are using 1oT's connectivity services in 173 countries.

Contact us to discuss your connectivity needs!

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